Blog Posts, SE Asia Blog Posts

Week 135: Bali

After arriving in Bali last week, I have been staying with my CouchSurfing host Sita. One of the first things that I noticed when I wandered around Bali was that there are so many beautifully decorated buildings and small temples for people to leave offerings in each day (as the main religion here is Hinduism). It really is a great change after a year of living in the very European culture of Australia. I set up my bike and repacked all of my equipment into my panniers, I am now sure, and relieved, that I have enough space for all of my stuff. I haven’t actually been out on the bike yet, because we have been driving around the south of the island on Sita’s moped, which has been a challenge as it is. I haven’t ridden a motorbike for a year while I was in Australia, but that isn’t the problem. Basically the moped has an automatic clutch, which everyone tells me makes it easier to ride, but as I am used to having a clutch I struggle with ‘slow control’ and changing down through the gears smoothly. The advantage of riding around on the moped is that I am getting used to the hectic traffic here and the different road rules. Basically if you see a space you take it and everyone else just adapts to your movements. The other drivers are used to that kind of thing, so they are alert and I haven’t seen any accidents, despite the amount of mopeds which drive so closely to each other. I also noticed that they actually use their horns for the correct purpose, letting people people know that they are there (when coming around a bling corner or overtaking someone who doesn’t have mirrors), rather that an extension of a shouting voice like we seem to in the UK.


Each day we have been going out to visit different places around the area, only one of those days did we go to a beach, which I didn’t really enjoy as it was kinda dirty and overly crowded with sunburnt Europeans. On Wednesday we went out to an old temple called Pura Gunung Kawi, bathed in the river that runs through the temple and wandered through the rice fields that surround it. On the way back we stopped in another town called Ubud, where we visited the Monkey Forest and met up with another CouchSurfer for dinner. The Monkey Forest is an area of forest in Ubud which contains a couple of temples and is home to a lot of monkeys. I wasn’t planning to spend much time in this area of Bali because I had heard how touristy it is, but I am staying with my CouchSurfing host and avoiding the main tourist areas, eating street food and meeting local people. I am really enjoying it but I think I will move on soon, heading east and getting a ferry to the next island to the east, Lombok. But before I do leave I want to learn some Indonesian from Sita to prepare for the rest of my trip.


Australia Blog Posts, Blog Posts, SE Asia Blog Posts

Weeks 133 & 134: Leaving Australia, Starting SE Asia

Week 133 wasn’t very eventful, I spent some time working and then made a bit of a mistake. I got my shifts mixed up at work and ended up being about 40 mins late for work. Unfortunately they had already covered my shift by the time I realised and called them. They then cancelled my remaining shifts, in effect firing me. It seems a little harsh, but there are lots of people in Melbourne who want to work, so they feel that they can pick and choose and drop anyone at the first sign of weakness. So I didn’t get to work during my final week in Australia, but on the bright side, it also meant that I didn’t need to quit. While I wasn’t working I spent some time looking into the process to claim my tax back and also my Australian pension that I have been paying into while working there. That should get me a couple of thousand dollars for my trip.


I flew out of Melbourne on Sunday morning and arrived in Bali late in the evening. This didn’t go very smoothly either, I was 5Kg over my weight limit and had to pay $200 or leave my bike behind. The woman at the checking counter said “Well I guess you will have to pay, you can’t leave your bike behind” and then she chuckled. I’m not sure if a wealthy customer would have found that to be friendly, light hearted customer service, but it definitely pissed me off. The day didn’t really improve either. I didn’t have any food on my flights as the food was expensive, then during my transit in Kuala Lumpur, I was forced to buy some strange sweet bread hotdogs to tide me over until I arrived in Bali. As soon as I got out of the airport I relaxed. The atmosphere here is just what I have been missing in Australia. Busy streets with lots of people on small scooters, small stalls selling cheap food and drinks, interesting building designs and a new language, in other words a culture that isn’t the same as England. My plan was to build the bike at the airport and ride it to my CouchSurfing hosts place, but I was tired so I decided to take a taxi and build the bike in the morning. I might start posting weekly again, so hopefully I will have lots of new pictures and videos uploaded soon.

Australia Blog Posts, Blog Posts

Weeks 130-132: Working and Booking my Flight

Three weeks ago I decided to have one last try to get some work here in Melbourne, I made a new, simplified CV which concentrated on my work in bars and restaurants and also included a picture. After spending a few hours walking through the main areas for bars and restaurants, the last place I took a CV to was a bar close to where I am staying in St Kilda. The next day they called me in for a trial and I got a job. The following week was great, I worked full time and did over 40 hours in the week. At the end of the week I had made about $750, I walked home happy, hoping that I would have the same amount of hours for my last few weeks in Australia. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. This week I am only working part time shifts, to cover the Australia Day weekend. This meant I had some time to kill during the week, so I have put together my compilation video for the trip through Australia, which you can view below or on my YouTube channel.

CLICK HERE! to play the Australia 2013-14 compilation video!

I have also spent some time getting some of the last bits of equipment that I will take with me, hopefully I’ll be adding a page which details my equipment some time in the next week. I have also booked my flight out of Australia. I have changed my plan a little, instead of flying to East Timor I will fly to Bali and start my journey through Asia from there. This is because of the price of the flights to East Timor and also because Air Asia is much easier to arrange the transportation of sporting equipment (my bicycle) while you fly. So in two weeks (9th February) I will fly from Melbourne to Bali to begin my cycling journey. I cant wait!


Australia Blog Posts, Blog Posts

Weeks 127 – 129: Xmas, New Year and a New Bicycle

Happy New Year guys, it has been a few weeks since i last posted on here, during that time we have had Xmas and New Years Eve. For Xmas we went down to the beach with some beers and some food for a BBQ, then in the evening we had a party with the Tiger Trolley on the beach. Then on New Years Eve we went to a friends place for dinner, then to a huge free party in a park. Both really good nights that took a while to recover from.

I worked a couple of shifts in a restaurant and earned a little bit of cash, but I still haven’t found a full-time job. I was thinking of flying to Darwin next week to try to work there for my last month before I leave Australia, but after speaking with my friend Luca, I have decided to have one last try here in Melbourne. So this week I am handing out a new CV to every place I can find. Unfortunately the fact that I haven’t been working for the last two months has meant that I have had to make a change to my route plan. I was hoping to travel up the east coast of Australia for a couple of weeks before heading to South East Asia, but now I think I will try to pass through the east coast on my way to New Zealand, after I have travelled through Asia. This is so that I can work up to the last days of my visa, but also because when I look at the costs of travelling up the east coast, that money could last for so much more time in Asia that it doesn’t seem worth it at the moment.


In my last post I mentioned that I had received confirmation of sponsorship from a company called Vivente who make touring bicycles. Well I now have my new bicycle and most of the equipment that I will need for my trip through Asia. I will be writing a page about all my equipment soon. I took it out for its first ride a couple of days ago, heading along the coast on a 60Km ride with Luca. I’m really looking forward to actually setting out on the bike and I’m sure that I will look at the bike very differently after a few weeks on the road. I also added the first of my information pages, which describes the illnesses and injuries that I have experienced in my trip. I will keep adding more information to this as time goes on and I get new experiences. If you would like to read a little about the less glamorous side of traveling, you can find it by (clicking this link), or looking under the info tab on the menu at the top of the page.