Australia Blog Posts, Blog Posts, My Videos

Weeks 125 & 126: Turning 30

I have spent the last two weeks staying with Alessio and Federico in St Kilda, looking for work and making preparations for my trip through Asia. While I may have a job on the way, I haven’t as yet got anything confirmed. The problem is that I only have a limited time before my work visa finishes, although I could potentially stay in a job until the end of my working visa and then get a tourist visa to allow me to travel up the east coast of Australia. I did manage to finish my Southern and East Africa compilation video which many of you may have already seen from my Facebook page last week.

CLICK HERE! to play the Southern & East Africa 2012-13 compilation video!

Last week we took out Alessio and Federico’s ‘Tiger Trolley’. A trolley that has now been customised to house a large speaker, mixing desk and laptop as well as car batteries to power it all. We pushed it down to a park near the beach and had a party until around 4am. Last Friday (6th December) was my 30th Birthday, and the 3rd Birthday I have had since I started this trip. We celebrated by going into St Kilda for a few drinks on Thursday night, then had a group of people round to celebrate on Friday night. But the best thing to happen on Friday was getting a response to my sponsorship request to Vivente cycles. They have agreed to sponsor me, giving me $1,000 off of the cost of one of their bikes. So I should hopefully be riding around on a Vivente World Randonneur pretty soon. I have also ordered some of my other equipment for the Asia trip, details of which, will be added to my website in the coming weeks.


Australia Blog Posts, Blog Posts, My Videos

Weeks 123 & 124: Melbourne

For the last two weeks I have been staying in Melbourne, with Alessio and Federico, looking for work and researching equipment for my trip through Asia. It is now the start of summer, so there should be a lot of work opportunities opening up around the city. The only problem is the amount of other people who are also looking for work. On the day that I went to print out my CVs there were another 3 people in the same place, also printing their CVs. As you walk around in the city you can see backpackers going down the street asking for work. I’m still looking, but maybe it could take a little while. During week 123, the three of us drove out to Gippsland Lake National Park to camp for a couple of days, while Alessio and Federico had time off work, luckily they have offered to let me stay with them for the rest of the time that I am in Melbourne.


I still have a lot of ideas for changes and updates that I want to do on my website. But the task that has been waiting for the longest time is editing my video clips and getting them up on YouTube. I finally got around to doing that this week. I have finished the Europe compilation and Part one of my Africa compilation videos. You can see these on my YouTube channel, Facebook, the Trip pages on my website or by clicking the links below:

CLICK HERE! to play the Europe 2011 compilation video!

CLICK HERE! to play the West Africa 2011-12 compilation video!

As for my Asia plans, I need to replace some of my camping gear (mattress, sleeping bag, cook set, solar charger) for around $500, plus $350 for a new passport, this time I’m getting a ‘frequent traveller’ passport with extra pages, hopefully that will last a few years. Also, after looking at the bikes that are available, I was initially planning to buy a Surly Long Haul Trucker and build it up with additional equipment (seat, racks, peddles, panniers). This would have cost about $2000 for the bike and an additional $625 for the additional equipment, for a total cost of $3125.

However, I have recently found out about an Australian company which makes touring bikes, for the same price as the Surly Long Haul Trucker I can get a Vivente World Randonneur, but the Vivente comes with some of my planned upgrades already done. So after spending $2000 on the Vivente I would only need to spend $475, saving around $150. I am actually thinking of approaching Vivente to see if there is any possibility of getting some kind of sponsorship from them. Fingers crossed.

Australia Blog Posts, Blog Posts

Weeks 121 & 122: Arriving in Melbourne

Two weeks ago I spent my last weekend in Tasmania before flying back to Melbourne on the Tuesday. I went to stay with two friends in Melbourne, Alessio and Federico, both Italian guys who are working towards their citizenship. I spent some time looking for work and a room to rent, but haven’t found anything yet. I’m planning to work for 2 months here in Melbourne, while I buy and build my bicycle for the Asia trip. Ben left earlier this week, he flew to Bali and will spend some time traveling around South East Asia.

I am trying to get as much advice and information about touring bikes and equipment, so I’ve been visiting bike shops and checking some stuff online. At the moment I am planning to buy a Surly Long Haul Trucker bicycle frame and a Brooks Flyer Special seat, then start building it up from there.


Australia Blog Posts, Blog Posts

Weeks 119 & 120: Tasmania

For the last two weeks I have been travelling around Tasmania. We had found a group of people who were renting a camper van and decided to join them, so we flew into Hobart as our starting point. Ben and I stayed with a local guy called Eric, who we met through CouchSurfing and then set off with our three new travel buddies, Pierre, Alison and Vanessa. From Hobart, we drove south to Cockle Bay for a short hike on the beach before heading north to the Tahune forest to camp and hike through the forest.


From Tahune we headed back through Hobart to the Tasman Peninsula to camp at one of my favourite spots in Tasmania, Fortescue Bay. The bay is in the national park and has a great camping spot, beach and very tame wallabies. The national park has lots of hiking trails, I bet it’s even better in the summer. The next spot was another great National Park, this time called Freycinet. This part contains one of the most popular tourist spots in Tasmania, Wineglass Bay. Again this park has some really nice hiking trails with great views onto some very beautiful, although cold, beaches. We stayed in the National Park camp ground again but this time we were visited by some possums while we were using the free gas BBQs at night. I was really surprised by how tame the animals in Tasmania were, the wallabies let you go up and stroke them.


The most famous attraction in Tasmania is Cradle mountain, we drove up to the mountain and I was hoping to climb it, but the track we could take involved using some climbing chains, and there was snow on the mountain. I wasn’t really prepared for the weather conditions so couldn’t climb. Over the next few days we drove around the Cradle Mountain National Park, to a pair of lakes in the south of the National Park, Lake King William and Lake Saint Claire. It was cold but we had a great camping spot on the edge of the lake and built a fire in the evening. In the middle of the night part of my tent collapsed, a tent peg had been pulled up, when I opened the door to replace the peg I noticed it had snowed. I attached the guy ropes and went back to bed, keeping my fleece on in my sleeping bag. The next morning was really cold, but it was a beautiful sight, driving through the forest and up to the Lake Saint Claire National Park office. We warmed up by their log fire and admired the views around the lake.


It took us a couple of days to drive through the mountains back to Hobart, stopping to camp in a small village called Hamilton that reminded me of being back in the UK, in the Peak District or even up in Scotland. Most of Tasmania reminded me of the landscapes in the UK, and the weather seemed to be quite British too. But as we got closer to Hobart the weather got milder and we went to see some Tasmanian Devils in a reserve just outside the city. The rest of the group from the campervan flew back to Melbourne while I stayed in Hobart with Ben for another few days. Hobart is a really nice little city, the atmosphere is really laid back and the beer is really good. We stayed with Eric and his housemates, who we had stayed with on our first night in Hobart, they were a really great group of people, we drank and partied with them almost every night.


The main attraction in Hobart is the Mona Art Gallery. It is a mix of old art and modern art which is strange in some way. For example, one of the pieces is a machine which digests food. You feed it and it will eventually defecate. While I thought a lot of the art didn’t make any sense, there were some very interesting pieces to see. Definitely worth seeing if you are in Hobart.


Australia Blog Posts, Blog Posts

Week 118: Adelaide to Melbourne – The ‘Great’ Ocean Road

Last weekend I arrived in Adelaide after a quick dash across Australia, north to south. We were lucky to find a cool place to stay in Adelaide for a few days. Ryan, who I travelled from Carnarvon to Broome with, was still in Broome as I was arriving in Adelaide. He had met a couple who were from Adelaide, so he asked them if they could recommend a place. They suggested that we went to stay in their house because all the housemates were in the process of moving out. We stayed with the remaining housemate, Mazair, an architecture student from Iran, and had frequent visits from Mark who was moving the last of his stuff out and let us stay in his room. We spent the days exploring the city and visiting the beach, then on Friday we picked up our next relocation vehicle.

Western Australia

Our new car was a 2 wheel drive camper-van, we headed out towards Melbourne, along the coast, so that we could check out The ‘Great’ Ocean Road. I didn’t think it was all that great, but the Australian department of tourism had definitely invested a lot of money in creating a view point every 300 meters along the road. It is a beautiful place, but after hearing so much about this stretch of coastline, I was expecting it to be amazing. The main attraction along the road, is a place called The ‘Twelve’ Apostles. As strange as it may seem that these stacks are so popular, the strangest thing is that there isn’t, and never has been, twelve of them. This is because the tourism board started calling them ‘The Apostles’ but people just started calling them ‘The Twelve Apostles. I would say that the coastal road is worth visiting, it has some really beautiful spots, but try not to get too excited about it before you arrive.

Western Australia

I thought that the best part of the road was the last section (coming west to east). The road actually moved away from the coast, and instead took us through some beautiful hills and farmland with lots of cows and forested areas. This part of the road reminded me of places in the UK and Europe. We stopped off at a few rest areas in the forests and saw my first wild Koala. I arrived in Melbourne this afternoon and I’m staying with a friend of the girl who gave me a place to stay in Carnarvon. I will explore the city tomorrow and try to get an impression of the place, as I might be living and working here for the next 3 months (after I get back from Tasmania) to prepare for Asia.

Western Australia