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Week 35: Shipping and the Volta

This week has seen a huge change in our method of travel, from Elmina we drove to Tema to meet the other people who are shipping their bikes. We arrived to meet the seven people and their six bikes (Heidi and Janz with their two diesel Enfields, Max and Marrian on their KTM, Hubert on his bike with sidecar, Charlie on his BMW and me with my Transalp) at the shipping office, we were a little late and they were just leaving the meeting. We soon found out that the bikes needed to be packed in to the container on Thursday, this meant we had to change our plans to celebrate Matt’s birthday in Peki. We stayed a night it a horrible little hotel in the port area and decided we didn’t want to stay there if it was avoidable, so the next day I took my bike for a wash and then headed to Kokrobite beach to meet Parisa and her friend. We spent the the night there but had to drive back to Tema and stay in the crappy hotel again so that we could be at the port for 8am Thursday morning. We arrived at the correct time but sat around for an hour or so before anything started to happen, eventually we were told we could start putting the bikes into the container, that took about an hour as each bike had to be man-handled into position. Then we had to wait another hour or two as they sent someone to buy lashings and someone else went to pick up the customs agent. When the customs agent arrived we were told he was the wrong guy and that someone else would come soon. We went for some lunch and sat waiting around for another hour or so. When the customs agent arrived he wasn’t happy that the bikes were in the container already so the shipping company bribed him and he signed off on the contents. Then we finalised the paperwork and paid £370 each, finally we were free to head up to Peki to meet Matt for his birthday, but on public transport as we no longer have our bikes.

We arrived in Peki and had some drinks to celebrate with Matt, then the next day we went to visit a disappointing waterfall nearby. The next day Parisa left Ghana heading back to Sweden, the rest of us headed north through Hohoe to Wli waterfall. This waterfall is supposedly the highest waterfall in west Africa, we hiked up to the upper falls and relaxed there before hiking back down to visit the lower falls, which is also home to thousands of large bats. After spending a night in Hohoe we headed south again to a monkey sanctuary in Tafi-Atome, went for a walk around in the forest feeding the monkeys and taking pictures. The monkeys are a little timid and although I had seen pictures of them climbing onto peoples shoulders to eat the bananas, we only managed to get them to eat from our outstretched arms.

Africa Trip

After we had finished there we got back onto some local transport (Trotro) and headed to the south of Lake Volta, while the minibus was quite full, we were also joined by a goat. I now have around three weeks before I need to be at the port in Namibia to collect the bike, so I am hoping to relax at a nice cheap beach in Ghana for a while before flying down to Namibia, maybe I can even arrange some couch surfing.

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Weeks 33 & 34: Togo & Ghana

I didn’t manage to post last weekend so we have a double post this week. Last week I arrived in Togo, we drove straight to the capital city, Lome. The coast of Togo is really beautiful but short, it didn’t take long for us to cross the country and we were soon checked into our hotel and wandering the street stalls looking for food. While we were in Lome we met an American guy called Andrew, he had bought a motorbike in Dakar and was travelling around west Africa for a few weeks. We told him our plans to visit some waterfalls north of Lome and he decided to join us, so the four of us, Me, Charlie, Ida and Andrew, set off heading north.

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The first waterfall, close to Kpalime, was a bit of a disappointment, basically it was a moist cliff-face with lots of frogs, although it is supposed to be impressive in the wet season. We camped there for a night before heading to a different waterfall, the route took us through some awesome mountain piste, winding up and down through the mountain forests until we arrived in Badou, we decided to rest there for a night before heading to the waterfall. This waterfall was the tallest waterfall we have visited so far, the swimming wasn’t great but you could swim. There was a religious ceremony going on while we were there which continued for a few hours, after the ceremony the priest blessed the waterfall water and all the congregation stripped and went swimming in the falls.

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We slept at the waterfall that night and went for a swim in the morning before heading off back to Lome, then crossed the border into Ghana. We were expecting problems at the border because we were supposed to enter the country within a month of getting the visa, we were two weeks late, our visas were not technically valid. We lined up and eventually we were dealt with, nobody seemed to notice the visa dates and we were stamped in. The next problem was getting the vehicles in, all through West Africa we have managed to use Laissez-passer, but we had heard of people being turned away from Ghana unless they had a carnet de passage.

We walked up to the desk and we were asked for our papers, we passed over our registration documents and they asked us for our carnet. We explained that we didn’t have one and they said that Laissez-passer were only used for vehicles registered within ECOWAS, we couldn’t enter without a carnet. We asked if there was any way we could do it and they said we should talk to the boss. We were lead down some hallways and into a huge office with a massive desk at one end, sat there was a man in a very clean, smart uniform. We were politely introduced and our problem quickly explained, the man glanced up at us from the paperwork he was dealing with, looked at us for a couple of seconds then tilted his head back to the paperwork. With a wave of his hand he said “Give them it”, we were lead out of the office and back to the front desk, filled out the paperwork and were sent to pay for the Laissez-passer. This wasn’t the end of it, we arrived at the accountants office to find it locked, the accountant had gone home for the day. A boy was sent to the accountants house to bring him back to work, we sat there and waited, eventually he arrived, took our money, gave us our receipts and we were soon driving out of the customs area and into Ghana.

We spent a night in the border town before heading to the capital of Ghana, Accra, which brings us up to the start of week 34, and what a great week it has been. While we were in Accra we got a message from Matt saying that he was in a beach resort in the west, we had first met Matt in Bamako and he had come to stay at a couple of waterfalls with us in Mali, so the next morning we set off to meet him. We arrived and found that four of the people we are planning to ship to Namibia with were also staying there. The place was called the Green Turtle Beach Lodge and it was awesome, great beach, great food and best of all it was cheap, about £1.60 a night to camp. We chilled out there for a few days, during that time a girl called Parisa arrived, she is here on holiday and we hung out together at the beach for a while.

Africa Trip

After a few days at the beach we decided to go to visit a stilt village called Nzulezu. Matt, Parisa and I took public transport and Charlie and Ida were supposed to travel by motorbike and meet us there. We arrived after two ours of road travel and an hour in a canoe, to find a beautiful, quiet little village on the lake. We dropped off our bags and were soon sat looking out over the lake with some locals, after a little more time we decided to take a swim in the lake. The water was warm and calm and the view was amazing, looking back at the village on stilts, with the forest behind it, a truly unforgettable experience.

Africa Trip

In the night we were given a canoe and the three of us (Me, Matt and Parisa) took it out on the lake. We knew the lake had crocodiles and while we were paddling around the edge of the lake in the dark, we were sure we could hear them, but we didn’t actually see any. The next morning Charlie and Ida arrived, we had some lunch and took a swim, we met another group of tourists who refused to join us swimming, as they had just seen a crocodile in the lake, it was only a small one so we weren’t worried, apparently they are afraid of people. After a little while we headed back across the lake in our canoes. After one last night in the Green Turtle we started heading back east towards Accra, we plan to meet all the people who are shipping to Namibia so that we can sort out all the paperwork. If this week is anything to go by, the next few weeks in Ghana should be awesome.

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Week 32: Benin

It has been an action packed week, we set off from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, travelled the full length of Benin and the width of Togo. We left Ouagadougou after collecting our Visa Entente, driving towards the border with Benin. It was getting late so we stopped just before the border in an expensive hotel overlooking a lake, we managed to negotiate camping and a meal for 7 euro each and were surprised by the wonderful three course meal we were then served. A great night.

The next day was quite short as far as travel, we headed over the border to camp at a waterfall. The border crossing was really easy with no bribes, only 9 euro for the laissez-passer and then we were free to continue. We noticed a crowd of people under a tree and went to investigate, it turned out that a doctor was giving out Meningitis immunisations so Charlie decided it was an excellent opportunity to get a cheap injection, I donated a large handful of sweets for the kids after they had their injections. From the border we headed into the first town and turned onto the piste to the safari park, but instead of entering we just went to the waterfall to swim and camp.

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The next day was quite hard, we rode around 500Km south through Benin to a city called Abomey. We spent the night and some of the next day there, the guide book had said that it was a ‘must see’, but we disagree. It was here that my stomach started to feel a little strange. After a fruitless wander around Abomey we headed south to the beach and stopped in a town called Grand Popo. I stopped on the way there because I was feeling faint, so I bought a cold Fanta and some water before I set off again. By the time we arrived I was feeling really rough so I decided to take a room rather than camping.

Africa Trip

The next few days were great, we chilled out at the beach, swam in the ocean, sat by the pool and befriended a couple of local guys. It turned out that they were looking after a hotel which was still under construction, we joined them for our meals and spent our evenings drinking and chilling out with them. Our last night in Benin we actually stayed in their hotel.

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Yesterday we left Benin and headed over the border into Togo, we are now staying in the capital, Lome, for a couple of days before we head north into the mountains and then west into Ghana.

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Week 31: Ouagadougou

We haven’t done too much this week, we spent a couple of days in Bobo before we headed to the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou. We checked into a hotel while we applied for the visa Entente, this visa covers five different countries, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Niger and Ivory Coast, all for 25,000 CFA (37.50 Euro).

Africa Trip

We had tried to get same day service on Friday by paying an extra 5,000 CFA, but when we arrived to collect them we found that they were not ready, so I asked for our bribe money back. There was a street art festival going on in Ouagadougou so we had something to distract us in the evening.

Africa Trip

Over the few days we have stayed here some of our friends we have met earlier in the trip also arrived. It is really nice to meet the same people from time to time. We get to share our stories since we last met and get advice about things we haven’t done yet. This morning we collected our visas this morning and we are now heading into Benin for some off-road riding in the mountains and forests.

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Week 30: Bamako to Burkina

This week has been truly awesome, after spending some time at a waterfall last week, a group of us decided to visit another waterfall for a few days, down by the border with Burkina Faso. We stopped in the nearby town of Sikasso to collect some supplies and headed to a village called Woroni. Woroni waterfall is the best waterfall I have ever visited, we camped next to the water and spent four days swimming, sunbathing and having an awesome time.

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Most of the group headed back to Bamako, Tom was soon to be heading back to Belgium by aeroplane, so we said goodbye and split up. Me, Lucy and Charlie headed into Burkina Faso. I was surprised at how easily the border crossing went, no bribes, a minimum of paperwork and only 7 euro for a laissez-passer. From the border we headed to Bobo and stayed for a night in a hotel, the next day we bumped into a friend who had been in Bamako with us, we all headed south together for a few days.

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Firstly we stayed a night next to a lake before taking an early boat ride to see the hippos, in the afternoon we headed to another village called Sindou which is home to some strange rock formations. We took a hike through the area before heading into the village for beer and food. Lastnight we camped next to another waterfall, not quite as nice as Woroni falls but has a great camping area beneath a group of Mango trees. Tomorrow we are heading north to Ouagadougou to check out a festival before heading into Benin.

Africa Trip