Blog Posts, Europe Blog Posts

Day One: Leaving Sheffield

So today is the first day of my trip. I’ve spent the last week living at my parents house and spent my last day seeing two of my best friends get married and catching up with an old friend. In around 5 hours I’ll be on my way down to London hopefully accompanied about half way down by a group of my mates on their bikes.

Europe Trip

Hope you guys enjoy keeping up to date with my journey through my site because I know I’ll enjoy the journey itself. I’ll keep adding blog posts, pictures, videos and new pages as often as I can.

Just gotta pack everything onto my bike now!

Blog Posts

Departure date is getting closer!!

Tomorrow is my last day at work. After that I’ll be moving out of my flat and sleeping on my parents sofa for a week. Then going to my friends wedding next Saturday and leaving on Sunday.

Got almost all my equipment, just need to get some bungees, a puncture repair kit and an air compressor. {:0)

Really can’t wait to set off now!!